Fishing Report Aug 16-23, Aug 23-30, and Aug 30-Sept 6 End of Season
Date: August 30, 2023

Silvers ! Lots and lots and lots of Silvers! A perfect description of the last 3 weeks of the season. The week of August 16-23 provided some classic late Alaska summer weather. Overcast skies provided great fishing conditions. A few sunny afternoons provided a perfect opportunity for guests to enjoy a hike, or a relaxing afternoon in the boat. All of our guests and guides reported world class Silver fishing throughout the entire week. Most folks filled their fish harvesting quota by day two!
The rest of the season was equally as impressive as the previous week, if not more so. With a mid week storm around Aug 26 came a rise in water levels, and a massive push of big Silvers! With that said, all guests were busily spending their days fighting feisty fish.
As of Aug 30, Fall was in full effect here on the Goodnews. Despite shorter days and lower water temperatures, and another fall storm starting Aug 31, the Silvers continued to push in by the thousands. Boats were landing upwards of 80+ Silvers per day. We’ve had just an incredible Silver run this year, probably the best since 2019.
We’re now closed for the season, but are busily accepting reservations for our 2024 season. If you want to get into some of the best freshwater fly fishing in the world, just fill out the “Contact Us” form to get the ball rolling. Whether you are a returning Guest, or a first timer looking for an outstanding fishing adventure, we’d love to see you at the Goodnews River Lodge in 2024.
Tight Lines!