Fishing report July 19-26 and July 26 – August 2
Date: August 2, 2023

The week of July 19-26 was the annual “ Kids Katch and Kast” week. Overcast days resulted in very active fish. There was significantly less rain than weeks past, and water levels continue to drop. Many anglers were successful in catching King salmon. This week we saw our first handful of Silver salmon push into tidewater. We expect them to start coming up river in larger numbers over the coming weeks. Two guests received the grand slam award , after catching all five species of salmon in a single day! Our guests had no problem harvesting enough Sockeye to bring home. Guests also enjoyed catching playful Pink salmon on the fly. Despite ADFG Chum salmon closures , we continue to see large numbers of them in holding pools. Several chums were caught and released while fishing for other species.
The week of July 26-Aug 2 was a very pleasant change in weather, with the second half bringing sunny blue skies. The water temps were sitting around or just under 55 degrees. An additional two anglers completed the grand slam again this week. We are seeing a great push in silvers , with each group catching several per day. Similar to last week, all anglers filled their quota of Sockeye salmon to take home. Pinks are also fishing very similar to last week, there are plenty around to have some fun!
We have officially concluded our King salmon season, as they take their positions on the flats to spawn. This will allow them to fulfill their circle of life with zero pressure, resulting in great King salmon returns in years to come! And to that , we say “BRING ON THE SILVERS!” We are excited for Silver season to be in full swing shortly. Be sure to come back in a few weeks for the next fishing report. Happy Fishing!