Fishing Report July 31 – August 14, 2025
Date: August 16, 2024

The fishing on the Goodnews has been nothing short of incredible lately. With Silvers coming in hoards, our guests are busy hooking up on dozens of them every day.
Water temperatures have remained optimal for Salmon fishing, in the mid to low 40’s. We experienced a large rainfall of about 1.5”, bringing the water levels up. This made for a great push of Silvers into the sloughs with great popper fishing. Many of our clients are now landing upwards of 20-30 silvers per day, with some landing 40-50. We are seeing more and more Silvers enter the river, and the fishing keeps getting better and better. We would like to congratulate the three clients that complete the Grand Slam these weeks!
With more rain in the forecast, the water levels are expected to rise even higher. This should bring even more Silvers in, and the slough fishing will be world class. We are very excited to enter the peak of the Coho run in the next week or so. Being fully booked for the rest of the season, we are anticipated a lot of fish and a lot of fun!
Tune in bi weekly for fishing reports on the Goodnews River