June 21-28 and June 28-July 5
Date: July 17, 2023

What a difference a year makes! Unlike the past 2 seasons, our Guests arrived at the Lodge to find the river much higher and much colder than it has been in the past few seasons, due to the increased snow melt and constant rains. The water temperature hovered around 45F, and combined with overcast conditions forecasted for the foreseeable future, the King salmon were happy and waiting for our Guests. The first week, June 21-28 saw a build-up of the run with a number of 30+lb fish coming to the fly that first week. The occasional sockeye and mint bright Chum were by-catch as well.
Conditions remained the same throughout the second week of June 28-July 5, and everyone was sore and happy from catching lots of big Kings. There were also numerous Chum and Sockeye landed as well. The downside to the high and cold water was the effect on our Rainbow and Grayling fishing. The rivers and creeks were so swollen that they were not wadeable. Only one boat tested the Trout fishing on Friday, and managed only 1 skinny Trout of 21” to the net. That was enough to keep everyone else salmon fishing for the rest of the week.
The big full moon tides hit us at the end of the week, and brought in another push of big Kings. Despite very difficult wind and weather conditions, the Kings were happy to play with our Anglers. One Guest commented over dinner-“It took me 4 days to figure it all out, but where else can you hook and land 5 30lb+ Kings in a single day”. All in all, a fabulous two weeks at the Goodnews River Lodge.